eBook: Resource for Bowlers
From the June 2024, Bowls USA Bulletin:
Resource for Bowlers
The new ebook received positive reviews in its first week on the website. Bowls USA is hopeful all bowlers, not just novice and newbies, will find it a handy source for clear information. You can search the ebook by keyword, link to topics of interest from the Table of Contents or flip through page by page. Keep it on your phone for ready reference at the green or you can download any or all the contents.
Besides the huge kudos to Martha Nilsen (SED) and Pam Edwards (NWD) for bringing this Resource for Bowlers to life, Bowls USA also wanted to give special thanks to those members who reviewed this document in its early stages in 2022: Bud Ricucci (SED), Heather Stewart (SWD), Catherine Major (SWD), Jonathan Nicholas (NWD), and Melanie Vizenor, NUIC (SWD). We appreciate the offering of their time and thoughtful comments in its development.